Aarhus University Seal

Aarhus University involved in new European graduate school for career guidance

The European Commission has made a grant of 400,000 Euros in support of a new European graduate school within the field of career guidance. Associate professor Rie Thomsen from Aarhus University is involved in the project.

[Translate to English:] 15 europæiske universiteter deltager i nyt stort projekt om karrierevejledning. Projektet er finansieret af Europakomissionen.

The European Commission has made a grant of 400,000 Euros in support of a new European graduate school within the field of career guidance. Associate professor Rie Thomsen from Aarhus University is involved in the project.

15 European universities are taking part in the career guidance project, and young researchers from all over Europe are invited to join the PhD programme. Associate professor Rie Thomsen is a member of the academic committee which will be defining the programme for the graduate school. She researches into the field of career guidance at the Department of Education, Aarhus University.

As part of the project, 25 PhD students will be given the chance to participate in an annual PhD summer school up until 2016. The goal of these summer schools is to train qualified researchers in the field of career guidance, and to create networks between researchers across the national borders of Europe. The participants can come from the fields of psychology, sociology, economics and education science.

The project is a joint venture between the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe (NICE), which is funded by the European Commission and the European Society for V the European Society for ocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC).

For more information, please contact Rie Thomsen on 87163661 or at riet@dpu.dk