Aarhus University Seal

Space Innovator & Alt på et blad: two games developed by CVU Jelling with DPU assistance

The game "Alt på et blad" is about innovation and entrepreneurship. Space Innovator is a role playing game about cooperation.

Two games have been developed in a partnership between CVU Jelling, partners from the business sector, teachers from schools in Vejle and game designers from STL, Learning Lab Denmark. Thomas Duus Henriksen and Svend Ask Larsen participated in developing "Alt på et blad" and Space Innovator.

The first game is designed for 7th graders. The class is divided into five teams who are competing in developing the best youth magazine. Space Innovator, on the other hand, is a role playing game made for employees in organisations and students at Teacher Colleges. The game offers different roles such as a general, a philosopher, a politician and an astrophysicist. The roles concern the collaboration on solving different simulated conflicts. During the game the players are challenged with new information and perspectives on the conflict, which change the players' relation to one another. The role playing game takes place some time in the future on a starship.

Download the games at www.cvujelling.dk

Read more about our game-based learning projects here!


Learning Games at DPU

Science, Technology and Learning are particularly interested in game-based learning, and so is DPU's research programme Media and ICT in a Learning Perspective.

Read about the project Serious Games on a Global Market at Media and ICT in a Learning Perspective.