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#FeesMustFall and related changes in student politics in twenty-first century Africa

Policy Futures International Webinar Series presents: Keynote: Thierry M. Luescher Discussants: Rachel Brooks and Judith Bessant

Info about event


Thursday 16 March 2023,  at 14:00 - 15:30


Online event


Policy Futures International Webinar Series

For last minute registrations on Thursday, the 16th of March, please write to luizajl@edu.au.dk with your name and e-mail address through which you wish to receive access to the webinar. 

In the course of the last twenty years, student politics in Africa has been impacted by a number of important changes, including the macro changes in the political and socio-economic environments of African nations; changes in the size, nature, and institutional composition of higher education provision along with the expansion, transformation, and fragmentation of student bodies; the changing political character of student governments and changing role of student representation in university governance; technological changes and new repertoires of student political agency; and a new student political discourse on higher education. These changes are interrelated, pronounced differently across the continent and institutions but overall reflective of the large-scale political, socio-economic, and educational transformations that African societies have undergone in the twenty-first century. Against a high-level overview of these changes, this keynote will focus on three developments that are particularly evident in the 2015/16 student movement in South Africa: (1) the entanglement of student politics with multipartyism and its impact on student representation and activism; (2) the emergence of networked student movements (RhodesMustFall, #FeesMustFall, #EndOutsourcing) and new protest repertoires; and (3) the elaboration of Fallism and its contribution to student political discourse on African higher education (intersectionality and decolonisation).

The webinar will be introduced by Associate Professor and research director, Katja Brøgger, and chaired by Associate Professor, Gritt B Nielsen.