Aarhus University Seal

CHEF lunchtime talk: Online education behind the scenes: Technological erosion and sedimentation of authority

Speaker: Bjarke L. Andersen, PhD student, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University.

Info about event


Thursday 21 September 2017,  at 12:00 - 13:00


DPU Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV, Room D118, video link to Campus Aarhus, CUDiM, building 5620, room 112

In this talk Bjarke L. Andersen will present a preliminary analysis that shows how a shift to online education radically changes and challenges the position of the teacher. Not only because of technical challenges, but especially because a new group of third-space professionals assigned to support teachers in their conduct of online education affect and interfere with the teacher's authority.

With inspiration from a theory of authority proposed by Alexandre Kojeve (2014) and a post-phenomenological take on technological mediation (Ihde 1990) Bjarke L. Andersen analyses everyday sequences from a four month field work with focus on online education practices in an Australian university department.

Bjarke L. Andersen seeks to develop a theoretical patchwork that enables him to grasp how technology works as active agent in processes of erosion and sedimentation of authority between third-space professionals and teachers behind the scenes of online education.