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Digital Backgrounds, Active Foregrounds: Teaching Large Classes in Late Modernity

CHEF seminar by associate professor Martin Forsey, Anthropology & Sociology, The University of Western Australia

Info about event


Monday 12 June 2017,  at 14:00 - 16:00


CUDiM, room 136 (streamed at DPU in room D118)

Sign up no taler than 6/6-2017.

It is not enough to be digitally sophisticated in the learning and teaching spaces of universities; academic staff also need to be socially, culturally and pedagogically adept to ensure that the variety of technologies in and around the classroom can be used to good effect. Clearly there is a dialogical relationship between the two impulses: between technological development and socio-cultural change. Neither is sufficient by itself to improve student learning, or more broadly the “student experience” which has become a keen focus of so many universities in recent years. It is helpful, therefore, to acknowledge that in entering into the digital classroom more fully, academic staff are not only part of a process of social change, we are also shaping these changes.

The ”matter” for this presentation is drawn from my own slow movement towards active pedagogies, my eventual ”flipping of the sociology classroom” (Forsey et al 2014), and broader ethnographic studies of flipped classrooms in my home university. It also reflects more recent musings on advanced pedagogy for large classes ANYWHERE that have moved way beyond so-called traditional modes of content delivery.

Please come prepared to share your own experiences of learning and teaching, your doubts, and certainties, triumphs and disasters.


Associate Professor Martin Forsey, Anthropology & Sociology, The University of Western Australia, Director of Studies for the BA.


Sarah Robinson, Associated Professor PhD, Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media (CUDiM), Arts, AU Organiser: Sarah Robinson, Associated Professor PhD, Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media (CUDiM), Arts, AU

The event takes place at Aarhus University, CUDiM, Paludan Müllers Vej 48, 8200 Aarhus N in room 136 and will be streamed at DPU, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV in room D118.