Aarhus University Seal

Didaktik on Postmodernism’s Doorstep

Ph.d.-forsvar ved cand.pæd. Anders Skriver Jensen.

Info about event


Friday 28 June 2013,  at 13:00 - 16:00


Lokale D174, Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU), Aarhus Universitet, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 København NV

(Dørene lukkes præcist)


  • Professor (m.s.o.) Venka Simovska (formand), Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU)
  • Professor Gert J.J. Biesta, University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education
  • Professor Gunilla Dahlberg, Stockholm University, Department of Child and Youth Studies


  • Professor (m.s.o.) Stig Broström, Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU)


  • Professor Vibeke Hetmar, Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU)

Forsvaret ledes på engelsk af lektor Monica Carlsson, Aarhus Universitet Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU).

Afhandlingen ligger til gennemsyn hos Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU), Tuborgvej 164, bygning D, lokale 256, sekretariatet.

Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU) er vært ved en efterfølgende reception.

This study’s objective is to contribute to the further development of the early childhood education and care (ECEC)-relevance of the Continental Didaktik tradition. Didaktik is a body of theories that conceptualize and structure thinking about, planning, executing, and evaluating Bildung-centered formative teaching. Bildung is about formation: Traditionally, it refers to the individual’s self-formation (as in comprehensive personal development), but the study develops a postmodern variant concerned with Bildung as the formation of contextualized relationships.

Literacy (as a field of policy, research, and practice) is exemplary with regards to studying the influence of contemporary educational policies that overemphasize skills and testing in ECEC. Didaktik must respond simultaneously to both 1) these policies and their social, practical, and theoretical consequences, and 2) serious challenges from postmodernism regarding its ideas about objectives, content, and a legitimizing base.

The study concludes that The Bildung concept still provides the practitioners of Didaktik (the Didaktikers) with thinking tools to construct a critical position inside ECEC literacy. Teacher and pedagogue alike can use Bildung to work outside skill-rationales for teaching literacy and thus to experiment with project work wherein literacy competences are developed, as the children participate in- and contribute to meaningful projects.

Didaktik calls on the teacher and the pedagogue as a Didaktiker to take responsibility for his/her literacy teaching by reflecting on the general relationship between the state, the Lehrplan (the state’s open curriculum), and Bildung. The Didaktik researcher can contribute to the literacy curriculum’s repoliticization by working with emergent methods, along with postmodern approaches to knowledge and power.