Collective Collage Making as Higher Education Practice
PUP Talk (webinar) - free and open to all
Info about event
Online (Zoom)
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About the Research Team
Sandra Sinfield, Sandra Abegglen and Tom Burns have worked and taught together at LondonMet for many years. Sandra A left London Met in 2018 for the University of Calgary where she works on research projects that look at online education and design studio practice. Sandra S and Tom B teach on the PGcert and MALTHE courses for academic staff, with a special focus on praxes that ignite curiosity, harness creativity, and develop power and voice. Together, these three have co-authored many book chapters and articles focusing on empowering higher education practices, including ‘Dialogic montage: Reflecting on playful practice in higher education’ for the Journal of Play in Adulthood.
- Sandra Abegglen, Researcher, University of Calgary, @sandra_abegglen
- Tom Burns, Senior Lecturer, London Metropolitan University, @LevellerB
- Sandra Sinfield, Senior Lecturer, London Metropolitan University, @Danceswithcloud
In our teaching and in our research, we are advocating for emancipatory, empowering and socially just learning and teaching practices. With each other and with our learners, we regularly engage in collage-making.
In this workshop, we first provide an overview of the value of play and creativity in higher education, and outline our own practice that challenges ‘traditional’ notions of education.
Second, we will engage the audience in playful, visual conversation about the usefulness of arts-based practices for teaching. Participants will be asked to make collages and share those collages with others via an interactive platform to tease out what multimodal, experiential media and activities may enable in the classroom.
We conclude the workshop by sharing some examples and providing links to readings that might inspire participants to further explore the disruptive and transgressive potential of ‘glueing something on something else’.
In preparation for the workshop: We encourage participants to collect old magazines and newspapers - and have them ready for the session, together with scissors, glue, tape and coloured felt tip pens.
Further Information
Sign up: Please no later than november 10th, 2021, at 23:59 Central European Time (CET)