Aarhus Universitets segl

Alternative Internationalisms

Re-imagining Internationalisation - Working Group Meeting

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 25. marts 2021,  kl. 11:00 - 12:00


Online (Zoom)

Time:  March 25th, at 11:00am CET


The zoom link is https://jyufi.zoom.us/j/64759083440


Round table discussion of the conceptual or theoretical tools we are using to explore "the international" in higher education. For more information visit our website.  

The last meeting where we discussed conceptual and theoretical framings of “the international” was successful, so we agreed to continue this theme for March. Some members of the Working Group were unfortunately unable to make the last meeting, so hopefully this time around if you missed out you will be able to present the ideas you are working with.  I am replicating some suggestions that we sent out for the last meeting as guidelines:


TOPIC: present something on the conceptual or theoretical tools we are using in our own respective projects to explore "the international" in higher education. My suggestion is that you provide a quick (around 4 minutes?) presentation that includes, for example:


  1. a brief description of the conceptual tool or framework or approach (etc. ) you are using;
  2. where this came from;
  3. why this appealed to you;
  4. what this approach lets you do (e.g. that another doesn't)


Feel free to approach it however you like! I'm thinking of it in terms of how I would explain my concept to a colleague over coffee. If we keep things short and simple like this, we then also have time to ask questions and have a bit of a discussion about our observations. It's hopefully a good opportunity to get out of our own perspectives, even for a little while!