Aarhus University Seal

Childhood, adolescence and institutions. Perspectives from educational anthropology

About the research unit

The research unit conducts ethnographic studies of children and young people’s lives and conditions from the perspective of educational anthropology. Applying a comparative and anthropological approach, we focus on children and young people’s everyday lives and meaning-making processes, as well as on cultural expressions and values, social relations, and institutional set-ups in local, national and global contexts. As such, we understand childhood and adolescence as socially and culturally established categories and view children and young people as active subjects whose understandings and practices are of interest in their own right.

For the last 15 years, the members of the research unit have explored a wide range of topics related to the everyday lives, meaning-making processes, sociality, and social relations of children and young people. These topics include:

  • Family – parenthood and siblingship; the home; divorce; family practices and ideals.
  • Schools and other childhood institutions – institutional conditions and logics; relationships between institutions, children and parents; collaboration between school and home, educational projects and childrearing ideals; troublemaking and counterculture.
  • Materiality, place and space.
  • Language as social practice; linguistic ethnography; literacy and linguistic socialisation.
  • Diversity and (in)equality: gender, ethnicity, religion and social class.
  • Processes of mobility and migration – refugees; transnational tendencies in educational concepts and practices; integration policies and the dynamics of marginalisation.
  • Inclusion, diagnoses and stigmatisation.
  • Policies, tests and standardisation.



Name Job title Email Phone Building
Anderson, Sally Associate professor Emerita saan@edu.au.dk +4593508151 D, 286
Bach, Dil Associate Professor dil@edu.au.dk +4550907032 D, 259a
Clemensen, Nana Associate Professor nacl@edu.au.dk +4593521707 D, 279
Dannesboe, Karen Ida Associate Professor kida@edu.au.dk +4593521068 D, 293
Gilliam, Laura Associate Professor lagi@edu.au.dk +4587163784 D, 281
Gulløv, Eva Professor with Special Responsibilities evag@edu.au.dk +4593508147 D, 258
Holm, Lars Associate Professor larsh@edu.au.dk D, 290
Kjær, Bjørg Associate Professor bjorg@edu.au.dk +4593521496 D, 356
Kryger, Niels Associate professor emeritus kryger@edu.au.dk D, 286
Laursen, Helle Pia Associate Professor heen@edu.au.dk +4587163874 B, 338
Mogensen, Naja Dahlstrup Research Assistant nada@edu.au.dk D268
Winther, Ida Wentzel Associate Professor idwi@edu.au.dk +4551890434 D, 266