Publications - Publications en-us PURE Extension (Web Department) 30 <![CDATA[Introduction to the anthology]]> Schilhab, T., Groth, C. Imagine some of the learning stages you have passed to reach the developmental level where you are today. From your time as an infant in the cradle, reaching for the moving colours hanging from the mobile above your head, to the dinner situation where your hands struggled with finding the right mix of relaxation and tension handling cutlery while your family offered guidance and support, to the endless hours in the classroom, struggling with reading and writing among classmates to cope with the sound and vision of the alphabet.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:21:26 +0100 41ed8cc2-cb0c-45c3-9bda-db305939ee4f
<![CDATA[Conclusions]]> Groth, C., Schilhab, T. Having explored the authors’ 4E(+) perspectives on learning through examples from the classroom and beyond, we can now reflect on what this means for teachers and teacher students more concretely. What are the implications for theory and practice that emerge? At first, this might be somewhat diffuse, as there are no straightforward action plans drawn out, no tables or clear instructions to paste on the classroom wall. Instead, the learning possible through this book still needs to be processed by you, the reader.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:21:26 +0100 8122cdc3-ac2e-437f-9a3c-05c93b9994be
<![CDATA[How nature-like artworks induce perceptual processes benefitting education in general and science education in particular]]> Schilhab, T. Contemporary research on outdoor schooling suggests that natural environments stimulate perceptual processes and the generation of ideas critical to basic science activities in school. Through the lens of the 4Es, these effects are part of the bodily interactions and the embeddedness in natural environments. Given the emphasis on perceptual activity, other perceptually engaging activities-like experiencing artworks-could potentially be effective in ways similar to that of nature. This chapter addresses the experiences of nature-like artworks from the perspective of perceptual processes and capacities for idea generation in view of the embodied and the extended mind. Two cases from fieldwork made at the Light and Space exhibition at Copenhagen Contemporary are used to explore whether experiences of nature-like art could induce perceptual processes of value to education in general and science education in particular. The discussion elaborates on perceptual processes that either highlight the anatomy of nature or the human condition, as well as the reinforcing impact of embodiment on the ability to remember an experience.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:21:26 +0100 7471cb6c-0bf8-4585-a377-3f0585a87017
<![CDATA[Preface]]> Schilhab, T., Groth, C. Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:21:26 +0100 849fdfd8-ca1e-44bc-908e-c1e7e4c05ada <![CDATA[Smart technology in nature-based learning]]> Esbensen, G. L., Schilhab, T., Balling, G. This chapter explores the potential of nature-based education for embodied and situated learning. The discussion is illustrated with a case study of a nature guide lesson with fourth-grade pupils, in which the pupils use their mobile phones to explore, to access knowledge on the spot, and to collect and document information. This has interesting learning potential. Embodied cognition is combined with social practice theory and draws on results from the Danish research project Natural Technology, in which researchers investigate the perceived cognitive effects of using smart technology in natural environments. The aim of this research is to improve explanations of relevant 4E concepts related to embodied learning and to provide an adequate theoretical understanding of all dimensions of situatedness, including those related to experiencing and feeling connected to nature.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:21:26 +0100 bca3c43d-d624-4bbe-9cee-316fa684f6ee
<![CDATA[Foreword]]> Nørgård, R. T. Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:21:26 +0100 f35cdc9e-32fb-4bb6-82e7-b168844b9f2b <![CDATA[Assemblages of Autonomy and Assemblages of Dependency]]> Nickelsen, N. C. M. Research Mon, 06 May 2024 10:21:26 +0200 c3d58bef-3d17-476c-9259-8f7443c66d89 <![CDATA[Hvorfor jeg ikke vil bruge ChatGPT]]> Caeli, E. N. Communication Fri, 15 Mar 2024 10:21:26 +0100 79452f53-e55e-43c2-9fb0-1393dd84a741 <![CDATA[Udredning ved mistanke om neuropsykiatriske forstyrrelser]]> Bøttcher, L. Research Sat, 01 Jun 2024 10:21:26 +0200 ff68bfef-1df1-43bc-b430-4068de0538eb <![CDATA[Velfærdsstaten anvender medarbejderdata – det kan der være demokratisk gode grunde til]]> Møller, N. H., Ratner, H. F. Communication Fri, 01 Mar 2024 10:21:26 +0100 db8de5bb-1dc3-4160-978d-50db7881a223 <![CDATA[Vi taler ikke om det, men AI bliver en gigantisk belastning for klimaet og naturen]]> Ratner, H. F., Papazu, I. . Communication Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:21:26 +0100 a3d3975f-f963-48bd-8499-b31f555d4421 <![CDATA[Respons: Tech-journalist går galt i byen i læsning af vores forskning]]> Ratner, H. F., Schrøder, I. Communication Mon, 18 Dec 2023 10:21:26 +0100 b59fc2fb-0f34-4faa-9031-8a4c5142de80 <![CDATA[Inklusion som ideologi]]> Bøttcher, L. Education Sat, 01 Jun 2024 10:21:26 +0200 b2d2a420-894b-4d94-b19a-5eb3720107f5 <![CDATA[Lessons from COVID-19 for behavioural and communication interventions to enhance vaccine uptake]]> Lewandowsky, S., Schmid, P., Habersaat, K. B., et al. Research Wed, 01 Nov 2023 10:21:26 +0100 8fcb0f7a-248e-4278-a968-a07331af0442 <![CDATA[Teorier og begreber]]> Knudsen, T. B., Bülow, M. W. Education Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 1ef7938f-0235-4406-81c8-e88e5f964387 <![CDATA[Velkommen til International Politik]]> Knudsen, T. B., Bülow, M. W. Education Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 87781aad-81bf-404b-be6d-67dfd9bd242a <![CDATA[International Politik NU: Magtbalance, værdier og samarbejde]]> Education Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 e3fa0844-16bf-4a6b-a265-af5dacbce57f <![CDATA[(No) Hope for the Future? A Design Agenda for Rewidening and Rewilding Higher Education with Utopian Imagination]]> Nørgård, R. T., Holflod, K. Research Mon, 01 Apr 2024 10:21:26 +0200 b6527409-625b-4699-9ab4-d571a93bf952 <![CDATA[Efter Inklusionen]]> Research Wed, 01 Feb 2023 10:21:26 +0100 56b94821-0924-40d1-89f0-74d96d573d48 <![CDATA[ChatGPT minder os om det gode ved uvidenhed]]> Hasse, C., Bruun, M. H. Communication Sat, 02 Dec 2023 10:21:26 +0100 2fb76bed-0468-4289-b570-d5eda1b6be9d <![CDATA[Den store skærmkamp]]> Lieberoth, A. Communication Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 7c8885ec-dce4-4e05-9df0-487eda1bff1f <![CDATA[Can playing Dungeons and Dragons be good for you? Tabletop role-playing games to mitigate social anxiety and reduce problematic gaming.]]> Billieux, J., Bloch, J., Rochat, L., et al. Research Sun, 01 Oct 2023 10:21:26 +0200 ccbef4e6-5ef0-4ddb-aa6f-f132c882ec02 <![CDATA[Teknologiforståelse]]>
Podcasten er produceret af Videnslyd for Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Medvirkende: Elisa Nadire Caeli
Lyddesign og mix: Andrew Davidson ]]>
Communication Mon, 25 Sep 2023 10:21:26 +0200 c6eb97c3-69f3-4a55-87ce-aa5443c8c7bf
<![CDATA[EPIC-WE Cultural Hubs]]> Holflod, K., Edut, J. E., Tscherning, R. W., Nørgård, R. T. Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 d7ab98a3-7a9d-4707-9da0-20ef0ec91a5c <![CDATA[Playing with Futures and Utopia]]> Holflod, K., Bayne, S., Nørgård, R. T. Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 1200b62d-df69-4903-8601-d980a21916fb <![CDATA[ICT Use, Self-Efficacy, and the Future of Eighth-Grade Students]]> Caeli, E. N., Caviglia, F., Bundsgaard, J. In six different focus groups, 44 Danish eighth-grade students (15 girls and 29 boys from two different schools) were interviewed during the spring and summer of 2022. All these students had participated in the ICILS 2023 field trial and were therefore familiar with the study. They were introduced to the results of ICILS 2018 showing gender differences with regard to ICT use, studying and working with ICT in future, and ICT self-efficacy. They were then asked to discuss whether the results surprised them, what they thought had caused the differences, and whether/how they thought these differences should be eliminated. Afterwards, their discussions were coded in NVivo software and analyzed qualitatively to find out how the students related to these issues.
The study shows that stereotypes do exist in the minds of the students taking part. They feel that stereotypes contribute to the differences between girls and boys in the ICILS 2018 results presented to them, but many of them do not regard gender differences in ICT as a problem. For example, they argue that people should have the right to do what they want to do, and that boys and girls are not the same. However, some of them do think that there is a problem and argue that they need to learn more about ICT in school to persuade them that working with ICT does not necessarily mean sitting in front of a screen and writing lines of code all day long.
Based on this study, it is argued that students need a broader conception of what ICT is, and how computers are used in society, in order to gain greater understanding of why it is important that all genders participate in developing, implementing and determining the future of digital systems to benefit our own lives as well as societies in general, both locally and globally.]]>
Research Thu, 01 Jun 2023 10:21:26 +0200 41314dc9-119b-4093-bf4d-6f9c4316fb9f
<![CDATA[Organisation og beslutningsproces]]> Schrøder, I. Education Fri, 01 Jul 2022 10:21:26 +0200 930e3b46-2ed7-430e-b3c9-771f86474dda <![CDATA[Økonomi uden tal]]> Schrøder, I. Communication Wed, 01 Nov 2023 10:21:26 +0100 2274ba9b-1583-4a90-94b9-cf491877cdab <![CDATA[Solidarity through speculation]]> Nørgård, R. T., Bayne, S.
The paper will consider how sociologically-oriented approaches such as ‘utopia as method’ and design-oriented ‘materialisations of the ideal in the real’ (Nelson & Stolterman, 2013) might be used to differently conceptualise institutions of higher education. How might different methods for ‘organised imagining’ support us to build a higher education based on values divergent from the current competitive, financialised, globalised norm? How might they help us devise structures capable of supporting communality, solidarity and diverse knowledges as well as ‘planetary and more-than-human’ care (Pierre, 2015; Bellacasa, 2017)?

By introducing methods for re-configuring higher education in terms of the ecocentric, ecological and even utopian, the paper works against the anticipatory regimes (Amsler & Facer, 2017; Webb et al, 2020) currently dominating higher education. It will actively look for fragments of the good society among the ruins and use these fragments to imagine preferable futures.

In the spirit of co-creative solidarity, the paper session will in different ways enact the speculative and utopian method to collectively work towards new conclusions about what preferable higher education futures – focused on solidarity – might look like.
Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 81ca8361-9d5e-45a5-9856-a785a08660cc
<![CDATA[The slow scholar in the accelerated university]]> Nørgård, R. T., Grant, B. ., Bosanquet, A.
Walker’s (2017) descriptor of slow reading against the institution sets a meandering mood for the slow scholar in all her roles (researcher-thinker-writer, teacher and servant): inconclusive, uncertain, imaginative, experimental, curious, questioning, incomplete, appreciative, respectful, generous, meandering, reflective, meditative, patient, ethical, speculative, unknowing. Every word is a challenge, or maybe it could be a baton, in the intergenerational relay of academic lives.

Our writing on slow academic identities brings together feminist thought about higher education (Ahmed, 2017, 2021; Breeze & Taylor, 2020; McKinlay, 2022; Mountz et. al. 2015; Walker, 2017) with writings and thinking on slowness in higher education (Berg & Seeber, 2018; Vostal, 2016; Chambers & Gearhart, 2019; Mahon, 2021; Bozalek, 2017) and reflections on theory-building (Ashwin, 2012; Eagleton, 1989; Hage, 2016; Swedberg, 2016) in a collaborative work of slow scholarship and on ‘the slow scholar’.

Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 19b7a483-d2f6-41d1-b229-a758f5546849
<![CDATA[Doing engagements and interventions with care]]> Lydahl, D., Nickelsen, N. C. M. Research Thu, 01 Feb 2024 10:21:26 +0100 40add0c5-00b0-449a-aeb4-7d6048ebe533 <![CDATA[Holding together that which does not easily hold together – care receivers’ work to get sensible care out of welfare technology?]]> Nickelsen, N. C. M. Research Wed, 06 Sep 2023 10:21:26 +0200 c2cbd209-1d48-4c7d-b078-990fa4ea4fe2 <![CDATA[Giving up on algorithmic fantasies:]]> Schrøder, I., Ratner, H. F. Research Thu, 06 Jul 2023 10:21:26 +0200 9b36bd45-9d62-4486-a3e9-63dbe73933f9 <![CDATA[Calculating children’s unknown futures]]> Schrøder, I., Ratner, H. F. Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 e547d362-74d5-44dd-b8cc-74dcbc3beec5 <![CDATA[Forskeren forklarer: Her er tre måder at anskue påvirkningen fra kunstig intelligens i vores skoler]]> Laage-Thomsen, J., Ratner, H. F. Communication Mon, 12 Jun 2023 10:21:26 +0200 db87edce-d84b-40c2-9963-adfeaceead2c <![CDATA[Overvågning og trivselsmåling]]> Ratner, H. F., Andersen, L. B. Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:21:26 +0100 c05443c3-c6bf-486a-8c34-5328a5d76325 <![CDATA[Risiko-scoring af børn]]> Ratner, H. F., Elmholt, K. T. Research Fri, 01 Dec 2023 10:21:26 +0100 fac482a0-0838-4449-90ad-a22022f0c5f5 <![CDATA[Algorithmic constructions of risk]]> Ratner, H. F., Elmholt, K. T. This paper examines how predictive algorithms construct risk by calculating and anticipating children's uncertain futures. Theoretically, we analyze algorithmic risk construction by attending to (a) the problematizations justifying algorithmic prediction, (b) their underpinning data infrastructures, and (c) the configurations of agencies across humans and machines. Empirically, we examine two experiments in Danish child protection services that developed algorithmic models to predict children's maltreatment. Our analysis highlights how algorithmic predictions can create different notions of risk. The first case used predictive algorithms to supplement human risk assessments with data from child protection services, while the second case aimed to detect risk early by constructing parents as risk factors, requiring data from other welfare sectors. By comparing these cases, we highlight two distinct risk constructions: one that uses algorithmic prediction to manage uncertainty and another that seeks to eliminate undesired futures by preempting risk. These different constructions have implications for how the present is viewed as a moment of intervention and for how families are constructed as “risk objects.”

Research Sat, 01 Jul 2023 10:21:26 +0200 3483abdf-8785-4f85-b80f-cef5d80a5239
<![CDATA[Hybrid teknologiforståelse]]> Andersen, L. B., Danholt, P., Ratner, H. F. Research Thu, 01 Jun 2023 10:21:26 +0200 c9526063-46cf-4ea2-b8eb-9546803aef0d <![CDATA[EPIC-WE - Relations and settings for empowered participation beyond the institution]]> Nørgård, R. T., Holflod, K.
The EPIC-WE model will be developed and tested as a core deliverable of the EPIC-WE project. The EPIC-WE project is a Horizon Europe Research & Innovation Action that is awarded approx. 23 mill DKK by EU and was launched on March 1st 2023. The project is carried out as an ambitious double-loop Design-Based research project (McKenney & Reeves, 2019) across three sites in Denmark, Holland, and Portugal.

The EPIC-WE model explores the benefits and value of co-operative relations and settings between higher education institutions, cultural organizations, creative industries, and young people in quadruple helix innovation frameworks. This will be in the form of the development and delivery of a new cultural ecosystem for public good and co-shaping futures. The first iteration of the EPIC-WE model will be presented.

The EPIC-WE model and project, its relevance and implications for higher education development and teaching, as well as its connections to the DUNK theme of settings and relations will be discussed.
Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 b5a4d8e4-cee3-43b1-b80c-a1a91b0bc68e
<![CDATA[Du jeu « online » au jeu « offline » - Un programme pilote pour réduire l’usage excessif des jeux vidéo]]> Billieux, J., Bloch, J., Rochat, L., et al. Research Tue, 23 May 2023 10:21:26 +0200 1fd01d49-d50e-490b-b9ba-e9505ae5de09 <![CDATA[”Tardjomâni”: Youth and child language brokering across generational and relational realms in negotiating collaboration, care and communication]]> Ghandchi, N. Research Mon, 01 May 2023 10:21:26 +0200 92a68eec-c8cd-4863-a2ce-aa8394e25307 <![CDATA[Mediation Analysis of Conspiratorial Thinking and Anti-Expert Sentiments on Vaccine Willingness]]> Blackburn, A., Han, H., Gelpí, R., et al. Objective: Vaccines are an effective means to reduce the spread of diseases, but they are sometimes met with hesitancy that needs to be understood. Method: In this study,we analyzed data from a large, cross-country survey conducted between June and August 2021 in 43 countries (N= 15,740) to investigate the roles of trust in government and science in shaping vaccine attitudes and willingness to be vaccinated. Results: Despite significant variability between countries, we found that both forms of institutional trust were associated with a higher willingness to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Furthermore, we found that conspiratorial thinking and anti-expert sentiments predicted reduced trust in government and science, respectively, and that trust mediated the relationship between these two constructs and ultimate vaccine attitudes. Although most countries displayed similar relationships between conspiratorial thinking and anti-expert sentiments, trust in government and science, and vaccine attitudes, we identified three countries (Brazil, Honduras, and Russia) that demonstrated significantly altered associations between the examined variables in terms of significant random slopes. Conclusions: Cross-country differences suggest that local governments’ support for COVID-19 prevention policies can influence populations’ vaccine attitudes.

Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 0cab1415-b92e-497e-9671-2b0acfae0a14
<![CDATA[Det usynlige menneske i platformsarbejde - en kvalitativ undersøgelse af algoritmisk ledelse]]> Kusk, K., Duus, K., Scott Hansen, S., Floros, K. Research Sat, 01 Jan 2022 10:21:26 +0100 7774c909-80da-4c82-98d1-0c2bf3744bbb <![CDATA[Gør vores telefoner os dummere og mindre sociale? Ny forskning genfinder ikke berømte resultater]]> Lieberoth, A. Communication Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 68912149-b747-4572-bc4c-0120c2fdd807 <![CDATA[Riders in app time:]]> Terkelsen, K. D., Bruun, M. H., Dalsgård, A. L. This article is based on ethnographic fieldwork among bicycle food delivery riders in Brussels who worked through the digital platform Deliveroo. The article engages the riders’ specific temporal experiences of platform work. Platform work through digital apps creates an image of aspatial real-time. However, using the notion of the ‘data double’, we demonstrate that the riders not only have to navigate the cityscape of Brussels on their bikes. They also have to cope with unwanted waiting time caused by the frictions between the data doubles in the app and the spatiotemporal structure of the food delivery economy. We argue that the riders manage to bridge the gap between the logic of the app’s real time and the spatiotemporal and economic constraints. They do so by employing different tactics for manipulating the temporal structure of the app as well as their own experience of time. Drawing on Michael Flaherty’s work, we call these tactics ‘time work’. Most of the interviewed riders did not envision working through the digital platform as a career. Instead, Deliveroo provided a temporary and flexible way to cover their expenses while preparing for other, more important issues such as finishing their education. Studies of digital platform work often highlight the extremely precarious working conditions of food delivery riders, but they have lacked a closer exploration of the platform workers’ own temporal experiences of work. This article brings new empirical insight to studies of digital platform work and, particularly, demonstrates that Deliveroo riders in Brussels are both ‘victims and architects of time’. Overall, this article contributes to a better understanding of the experience of time under platform capitalism.

Research Mon, 01 May 2023 10:21:26 +0200 b640402b-9695-438b-9d75-bf4d1b78a2a2
<![CDATA[Byen som etnografisk living lab]]> Brandt, A., Bruun, M. H. Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:21:26 +0100 16991f84-0a46-4d8c-a27d-b201fd362e3f <![CDATA[Neuropsykologiske perspektiver på børn og unge med diagnoser]]> Bøttcher, L. Research Wed, 01 Mar 2023 10:21:26 +0100 b90948a7-ccc1-4bcc-b641-d433abb37830 <![CDATA[Indledning]]> Holm, C., Bøttcher, L. Research Wed, 01 Feb 2023 10:21:26 +0100 0f87f235-c904-4361-b3a8-bed6d8f4f831 <![CDATA[Comment to Evolution without Inheritance: Steps to an Ecology of Learning by Tim Ingold]]> Hasse, C. Research Thu, 01 Dec 2022 10:21:26 +0100 5d2f5bf3-a78e-480d-9b57-12ffac487adb