Publications - Publications en-us PURE Extension (Web Department) 30 <![CDATA[Pædagogikkens steder – stedernes pædagogik]]> Dannesboe, K. I., Pless, M., Brodersen, M. Research Mon, 01 Apr 2024 06:33:56 +0200 47e35955-ceef-415a-9988-07b4de3995a9 <![CDATA[Muligheder og barrierer for kunstig intelligens i den offentlige sektor]]> Christensen, S. N., Nielsen, J. A., Noesgaard, M. S., Elmholdt, K. T., Ratner, H. F. Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 a30cca5e-e7c1-4c33-b979-5b846b18051d <![CDATA[Creative Toying with Cultural Heritage in Game Jams]]> Eriksson, E., Holflod, K., Nørgård, R. T. Research Sun, 01 Dec 2024 06:33:56 +0100 b187e4e0-3d05-47d9-a4ae-9589da2c33f9 <![CDATA[Maskinlæring i folkeskolen]]> Caeli, E. N., Zambach, S., Pedersen, C. S., Bundsgaard, J., Misfeldt, M. Research Thu, 05 Dec 2024 06:33:56 +0100 7bd79fc1-61f0-4b47-a78d-439d577e8a2b <![CDATA[The Promises and Perils of Danish Nature App Developers]]> Esbensen, G. L., Schilhab, T. This chapter delves into the first generation of Danish nature app developers to explore who they are, why they have chosen this field, and their experiences. The chapter is grounded in the 5-year qualitative research project Natural Technology, which explores the potential of technology in children’s and young people’s experiences of nature. The chapter initiates by situating itself in a fast-developing field, explicitly describing it, and offering an analytical categorization of nature apps, discussing how nature apps can be seen as a still relatively new and evolving media form, and suggesting both learning theories and a techno-philosophical framework within which the use of nature apps can be explored.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 eeb03869-dd3c-409d-ae2a-29ed4c6c2c23
<![CDATA[Vilde dyr forbinder os med naturen]]> Schilhab, T., Esbensen, G. L. Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 30c15008-9165-4b38-add7-14bdc03bcf3d <![CDATA[Phone use, offline neglect, and reachability: a qualitative study in Denmark, Lithuania, and Spain. ]]> Schilhab, T., Esbensen, G. L., Levratto, V. ., Suminas, A. Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 06:33:56 +0100 424bdce1-c9f8-4561-b016-8d6520ed15b6 <![CDATA[Expanding the playful universitY]]> Nørgård, R. T., Toft, H. This chapter expands the theoretical-philosophical framework for the playful university as presented in the introductory chapter of The Playful University and Nørgård (2021) by introducing two new playframes: democracy and locality. The democracy playframe emphasizes democratic politics, deliberation, and equity as essential components of the playful university, whereas the locality playframe evokes the particular playful spirit of place residing in the environment and atmosphere of the playful university. The chapter offers a detailed analysis of the expanded framework and presents key takeaways and next steps in advancing the foundation for the playful university. By developing the playframes of Democracy and Locality, the chapter provides a nuanced understanding of the dimensions of playful (un)governability and Homo Democraticus (the democratic academic) along with placefulness and the playful Homo Domus (the academic inhabitant) as central to the playful university. The chapter highlights how democracy and placefulness can help foster a more playful university.

Research Thu, 12 Dec 2024 06:33:56 +0100 d18c28c1-293b-4de3-b834-c3a0cb166e03
<![CDATA[Principles for the playful university]]> Nørgård, R. T., Whitton, N. This concluding chapter explores the concept of the Playful University and the principles that constitute it as presented across the 17 chapters of the book. This is done through an analysis of the principles emerging from the three sections - Playful Philosophy, Playful Practice, and Playful Politics. The chapter identifies 11 principles that guide the creation and cultivation of the playful university. The first four principles are philosophical and advocate for openness, diversity, and pluralism of emotions and worldviews. The next three principles are pedagogical and focus on incorporating playfulness into the curriculum and developing a relational pedagogy of care. The last four principles are political and highlight the need for institutional practices that support a playful university. Taken together, these principles present a foundation for opening a conversation on the possibilities of the Playful University.

Research Thu, 12 Dec 2024 06:33:56 +0100 cad55cdb-211f-426d-a06d-7b1daba165d5
<![CDATA[The playful university]]> This book provides philosophical, political and practical insights that open ways for the university in going beyond its tightly controlled state and into more playful and imaginative futures. In the context of a marketised and regulated environment that stifles creativity and curiosity in higher education, this collection provides an antidote that lies in the potential of play. It identifies tactics and tools for playful practices to conjure real utopias and pathways for the present and possible futures. Pulling together global perspectives from a wide array of different disciplines including higher education, sociology, philosophy, media studies, design, literature, play studies, game studies and political science, it concludes with a collaborative chapter that offers philosophically and theoretically grounded principles for the playful university. The book shows that it is possible to reimagine a higher education in which students and staff approach their studies with a sense of purpose, care, and openness to explore, imagine and build a better future. Looking beyond pedagogy to imagination, and wonder as important perspectives within the university, this is an essential read for those interested in play and subversion in higher education.

Research Thu, 12 Dec 2024 06:33:56 +0100 da4462a8-655e-4cb5-9efd-2ef23fd47717
<![CDATA[Introduction]]> Whitton, N., Nørgård, R. T. This introductory chapter presents the field of the playful university and the role of playfulness in reimagining universities which is at the heart of The Playful University book. It highlights the growing interest in playful higher education in recent years, which has emerged as a remedy to battle issues within the current neoliberal framework, and explores possibilities of building institutions that prioritize curiosity, creativity, and communality. Despite the field's vibrant and imperative future, there is a need to solidify playful higher education philosophically and theoretically to ensure its thorough establishment. This is the aim of The Playful University book, and its chapter sections on Philosophy, Pedagogy, Politics, and Principles. The introductory chapter sets the scene concerning the role of play, playfulness, and playful education in higher education and the need to solidify it philosophically and theoretically to ensure that the integration of playfulness into higher education is thoroughly established.

Research Thu, 12 Dec 2024 06:33:56 +0100 98c89746-e4d7-4a10-83d5-8eb169ead7db
<![CDATA[The slow scholar in the accelerated university]]> Nørgård, R. T., Bosanquet, A., Grant, B. .
By exploring the challenges and possibilities of slow scholarship, the authors aim to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of academic work in the accelerated university and to encourage an approach to scholarship based on sustainability and solidarity. Ultimately, the chapter argues that slow scholarship offers a powerful counter-narrative to the dominant culture of speed and productivity which has the potential to transform not only the way we work as scholars but also the systems and structures that shape the university as an institution.]]>
Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 b6d4bdb0-27ef-4610-b814-d58ebc931ba5
<![CDATA[Danske elevers teknologiforståelse og skærmbrug]]> Bundsgaard, J., Bindslev, S. G., Caeli, E. N., Grønhøj, E. O., Rasmussen, E.
ICILS giver gennem spørgeskemaer også et nuanceret indblik i konteksten for elevernes udvikling af kompetencer. I bogen er der særligt fokus på resultater, der kan bidrage til at nuancere den aktuelle skærmdebat og debat om teknologiforståelse, resultater, der uddyber forståelsen af forskelle inden for køn og it, og resultater vedrørende lærernes tanker om it og deres prioriteringer af it som indhold i undervisningen samt deres læringsteori og undervisningspraksisser.]]>
Research Tue, 12 Nov 2024 06:33:56 +0100 17ac2bdb-618c-4660-9549-5dc0dce5e6f6
<![CDATA[Crafting Culture]]> Holflod, K., Nørgård, R. T. Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 ea5d7e49-130b-4e4f-b65c-54337e70860d <![CDATA[Protocol 2]]> Nørgård, R. T., Holflod, K.
The present document is the first of four individual subreports that together make up the EPIC-WE D3.1 report “Protocols for carrying out cultural game jams in local sites”

D3.1 Protocol 1: Quadruple Helix Cultural Innovation: EPIC-WE Quadruple Helix Cultural Ecosystems and Cultural Hubs (Initial protocol)

D3.1 Protocol 2: Cultural Game Jam Kit: EPIC-WE Cultural Game Jam Processes, Phases, Methods, and Tools (Initial protocol)

D3.1 Protocol 3: EPIC-WE Research Protocol for Cultural Game Jams in Local Sites (Initial protocol)

D3.1 Protocol 4: EPIC-WE Practical Protocol for Cultural Game Jams in Local Sites (Initial protocol)

The 4 subreports support the EPIC-WE project in carrying out its research and innovation interventions on the macro-level (EPIC-WE Quadruple Helix Cultural Innovation Ecosystem), on the meso-level (EPIC-WE Cultural Hub), and on the micro-level (EPIC-WE Cultural Game Jams).

Protocol 1 describes the ‘design’ of the EPIC-WE Quadruple Helix Cultural Innovation Ecosystem and Cultural Hubs, which brings together Higher Education Institutions (HEI), Creative Industries (CI), Cultural Heritage Institutions (CHI), and Youth Citizens (YCs), to do research and innovation together, thus connecting and operationalising the four helices of the QH ecosystem. This epistemic and practical partnership across helices uses the ‘design’ of the EPIC-We Cultural Game Jam Kit (Protocol 2) and the ‘construction’ of the EPIC-WE Research Protocol (Protocol 3) to innovate and research the format of cultural game jams, game-making as a form of culture-making, and the creation of games through and for culture. Protocol 4, EPIC-WE Practical Protocol, describes, in a beginning way, how the Quadruple Helix Cultural Partners can work together in Cultural Hubs to facilitate Cultural Game Jams that position game-making as a form of culture-making and lead to the creation of games through and for culture.]]>
Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 61901e2d-1e5f-4a21-8875-a2f8c1418606
<![CDATA[Protocol 1]]> Nørgård, R. T., Holflod, K.
The present document is the first of four individual subreports that together make up the EPIC-WE D3.1 report “Protocols for carrying out cultural game jams in local sites”

D3.1 Protocol 1: Quadruple Helix Cultural Innovation: EPIC-WE Quadruple Helix Cultural Ecosystems and Cultural Hubs (Initial protocol)

D3.1 Protocol 2: Cultural Game Jam Kit: EPIC-WE Cultural Game Jam Processes, Phases, Methods, and Tools (Initial protocol)

D3.1 Protocol 3: EPIC-WE Research Protocol for Cultural Game Jams in Local Sites (Initial protocol)

D3.1 Protocol 4: EPIC-WE Practical Protocol for Cultural Game Jams in Local Sites (Initial protocol)

The 4 subreports support the EPIC-WE project in carrying out its research and innovation interventions on the macro-level (EPIC-WE Quadruple Helix Cultural Innovation Ecosystem), on the meso-level (EPIC-WE Cultural Hub), and on the micro-level (EPIC-WE Cultural Game Jams).

Protocol 1 describes the ‘design’ of the EPIC-WE Quadruple Helix Cultural Innovation Ecosystem and Cultural Hubs, which brings together Higher Education Institutions (HEI), Creative Industries (CI), Cultural Heritage Institutions (CHI), and Youth Citizens (YCs), to do research and innovation together, thus connecting and operationalising the four helices of the QH ecosystem. This epistemic and practical partnership across helices uses the ‘design’ of the EPIC-We Cultural Game Jam Kit (Protocol 2) and the ‘construction’ of the EPIC-WE Research Protocol (Protocol 3) to innovate and research the format of cultural game jams, game-making as a form of culture-making, and the creation of games through and for culture. Protocol 4, EPIC-WE Practical Protocol, describes, in a beginning way, how the Quadruple Helix Cultural Partners can work together in Cultural Hubs to facilitate Cultural Game Jams that position game-making as a form of culture-making and lead to the creation of games through and for culture.
Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 6d6d7e91-dffa-4ae1-88b2-a6738849d71a
<![CDATA[Store sprogmodeller og AI-chatbots på videregående uddannelser]]> Bruun, M. H., Krause-Jensen, J., Hasse, C. Research Thu, 12 Dec 2024 06:33:56 +0100 bd0a149d-8245-4e77-91ee-47a88fd131e7 <![CDATA[Kognitiv terapi]]> Nørby, S. Communication Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 99c3d13f-1c9b-407c-8e6e-7ee7d21f7001 <![CDATA[Metakognitiv terapi]]> Nørby, S. Communication Sun, 01 Jan 2023 06:33:56 +0100 f9d1c635-f21b-4ef4-bdcb-2b0db233b206 <![CDATA[Jean Piaget]]> Nørby, S. Communication Sun, 01 Jan 2023 06:33:56 +0100 e84e7fd2-8772-418b-9e75-0402d8199b22 <![CDATA[Social angst, læring og uddannelse]]> Nørby, S. kritisk vurderet. Denne form for angst er forbundet med negative emotioner som frygt og skam og medfører, at man har det meget svært med, og ofte undgår, sociale situationer, hvor man kan blive negativt vurderet. Social angst har typisk et stille og diskret udtryk, idet den ramte person søger ikke at gøre sig bemærket. Dermed kan angsten vanskeliggøre læring og uddannelse, som netop omfatter at indgå i mange menneskelige relationer og rutinemæssigt at skulle præstere. Social angst behandles typisk mest målrettet af psykologer og relaterede fagprofessionelle, men undervisere vil ofte komme i kontakt med ramte studerende, hvorfor det er relevant, at de har en grundlæggende viden om forstyrrelsen. Nærværende artikel ser nærmere på uddannelsesrelevante psykologiske processer, som påvirkes i forbindelse med social angst, og kommer med forslag til, hvordan en underviser med fordel kan forholde sig til en ramt studerende. Specifikt ses på, hvordan negative emotioner er koblet til ubehag ved og undvigelse af undervisningssessioner, hvordan overdrevent negative tolkninger giver anledning til pessimisme i forhold til præstationssituationer, og på, hvordan selvforståelsen er negativ og omfatter manglende tiltro til en selv og ens udviklingspotentiale. Afslutningsvist diskuteres, i hvilket omfang en underviser kan og bør intervenere i forhold til en socialt angst studerende. ]]> Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 0b847c64-04ea-4fbf-be89-c988c5909b36 <![CDATA[Indledning: Stille psykiske forstyrrelser]]> Nørby, S., Darling, P. . Stille psykiske forstyrrelser involverer stor lidelse, mistrivsel og kan vanskeliggøre læring og udvikling. Forstyrrelserne risikerer dog i sagens natur at blive overset i uddannelsessystemet, i arbejdslivet samt i andre livsdomæner. Vi sætter fokus på emnet i fire af temanummerets artikler. Yderligere tre artikler er udenfor temaet. ]]> Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 097a32dd-66be-4608-b42b-bb765bb1eb52 <![CDATA[Ytringers Materielle Infrastruktur]]> Hasse, C. Communication Thu, 08 Aug 2024 06:33:56 +0200 05040a1a-e7ac-41a0-ab5f-d4eaa1be91fe <![CDATA[Equity and equality in gender research]]> Hasse, C. I want to argue that the gender difference we encounter here is not about equality but about equity – and that this is an overlooked pattern in feminist research on how we should relate to the different learning potentials of women and men. Equality assumes people start from the same place, but equity does not]]> Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 06:33:56 +0100 0a1bc9d9-aa29-4e22-863e-3477ab29233e <![CDATA[Utbildningsutvärdering för kandidatprogrammet i antropologi vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten]]> Krause-Jensen, J., Widstrand, E. ., Macek, I., Jensie, A. Commissioned Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 b73ad86f-2882-4b97-8036-c8673c628c65 <![CDATA[How to do things with Words]]> Krause-Jensen, J. Research Fri, 01 Dec 2023 06:33:56 +0100 e5dd6b44-07f9-4dd9-a779-b7d2286386fa <![CDATA[Når AI kommer mellem borgerne og staten, kan mennesket ufrivilligt blive en risikofaktor]]> Ratner, H. F., Jørgensen, R. F. Communication Thu, 19 Sep 2024 06:33:56 +0200 039f2397-a149-421c-89e9-bb70d2ab197a <![CDATA[Essay til Magtudredningen]]> Ratner, H. F., Jørgensen, R. F. Commissioned Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 de4fd21a-a769-43a1-a622-dfad9f73226e <![CDATA[Editorial]]> Nørgård, R. T., Lysne, D. A., Ossiannilsson, E. S. I. ., Nykvist, S. S. . Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 9e98eb50-7fb1-47dd-ad9f-a3d8b5c7ffa5 <![CDATA[Styr økonomien uden tal]]> Schrøder, I. ny ledelsesmæssig opgave. Som leder skal du nu økonomistyre et
frisat fagligt skøn. Hvordan gør du lige det? Det giver ekspert i talløs
økonomistyring, Ida Schrøder, sine bud på her.]]>
Communication Thu, 01 Feb 2024 06:33:56 +0100 626d5d91-ad10-4f3a-b75b-049f59b87178
<![CDATA[Digital Methods to Support Ethnographic Data Collection and Coding]]> Bruun, M. H. Communication Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 a11962ea-5326-4b3e-bb4d-5fad076dde24 <![CDATA[Assemblage of autonomy and assemblage of dependency]]> Nickelsen, N. C. M., Lydahl, D. Research Wed, 21 Aug 2024 06:33:56 +0200 2d798de0-9a19-45fa-a1cf-65a0b6424235 <![CDATA[Community, Socialisation, and Empowerment in Cultural Game Jams with Youth Citizens]]> Holflod, K., Nørgård, R. T., Eriksson, E. Research Mon, 07 Oct 2024 06:33:56 +0200 648060e6-d6f8-40e6-ad8c-7962d078f935 <![CDATA[Byen som etnografisk living lab]]> Brandt, A., Bruun, M. H. Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 54f4aabb-5115-4e1c-acb5-418428d5da40 <![CDATA[Assemblages of autonomy and assemblages of dependency]]> Nickelsen, N. C. M., Lydahl, D., Domenech, M., Thygesen, H. Research Tue, 16 Jul 2024 06:33:56 +0200 c124fb65-44f3-47f5-99c4-69fcbb5e7f5d <![CDATA[Introduction to the anthology]]> Schilhab, T., Groth, C. Imagine some of the learning stages you have passed to reach the developmental level where you are today. From your time as an infant in the cradle, reaching for the moving colours hanging from the mobile above your head, to the dinner situation where your hands struggled with finding the right mix of relaxation and tension handling cutlery while your family offered guidance and support, to the endless hours in the classroom, struggling with reading and writing among classmates to cope with the sound and vision of the alphabet.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 41ed8cc2-cb0c-45c3-9bda-db305939ee4f
<![CDATA[Conclusions]]> Groth, C., Schilhab, T. Having explored the authors’ 4E(+) perspectives on learning through examples from the classroom and beyond, we can now reflect on what this means for teachers and teacher students more concretely. What are the implications for theory and practice that emerge? At first, this might be somewhat diffuse, as there are no straightforward action plans drawn out, no tables or clear instructions to paste on the classroom wall. Instead, the learning possible through this book still needs to be processed by you, the reader.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 8122cdc3-ac2e-437f-9a3c-05c93b9994be
<![CDATA[How nature-like artworks induce perceptual processes benefitting education in general and science education in particular]]> Schilhab, T. Contemporary research on outdoor schooling suggests that natural environments stimulate perceptual processes and the generation of ideas critical to basic science activities in school. Through the lens of the 4Es, these effects are part of the bodily interactions and the embeddedness in natural environments. Given the emphasis on perceptual activity, other perceptually engaging activities-like experiencing artworks-could potentially be effective in ways similar to that of nature. This chapter addresses the experiences of nature-like artworks from the perspective of perceptual processes and capacities for idea generation in view of the embodied and the extended mind. Two cases from fieldwork made at the Light and Space exhibition at Copenhagen Contemporary are used to explore whether experiences of nature-like art could induce perceptual processes of value to education in general and science education in particular. The discussion elaborates on perceptual processes that either highlight the anatomy of nature or the human condition, as well as the reinforcing impact of embodiment on the ability to remember an experience.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 7471cb6c-0bf8-4585-a377-3f0585a87017
<![CDATA[Preface]]> Schilhab, T., Groth, C. Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 849fdfd8-ca1e-44bc-908e-c1e7e4c05ada <![CDATA[Smart technology in nature-based learning]]> Esbensen, G. L., Schilhab, T., Balling, G. This chapter explores the potential of nature-based education for embodied and situated learning. The discussion is illustrated with a case study of a nature guide lesson with fourth-grade pupils, in which the pupils use their mobile phones to explore, to access knowledge on the spot, and to collect and document information. This has interesting learning potential. Embodied cognition is combined with social practice theory and draws on results from the Danish research project Natural Technology, in which researchers investigate the perceived cognitive effects of using smart technology in natural environments. The aim of this research is to improve explanations of relevant 4E concepts related to embodied learning and to provide an adequate theoretical understanding of all dimensions of situatedness, including those related to experiencing and feeling connected to nature.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 bca3c43d-d624-4bbe-9cee-316fa684f6ee
<![CDATA[Jamming with Culture - Piloting Cultural Game Jam with Youth]]> Eriksson, E., Holflod, K., Nørgård, R. T. Research Mon, 17 Jun 2024 06:33:56 +0200 7de4c9a9-5b67-43a3-a633-cd8eae5b21d2 <![CDATA[Foreword]]> Nørgård, R. T. Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 f35cdc9e-32fb-4bb6-82e7-b168844b9f2b <![CDATA[Meeting in the middle]]> Nørgård, R. T., Holflod, K. This paper presents selected results from the Europe Horizon EPIC-WE research and innovation project (2023-2026). The presentation highlights the theoretical frameworks of Quadruple Helix Ecosystems (Carayannis & Campbell, 2017) and Living Labs (Brandt & Bruun, 2023; Schuurman, De Marez & Ballon, 2015).) as potential frameworks for the practice of future higher education along with their specific relevance to the DUNK theme of ‘Higher education in a time of transition’ (EUA, 2021).

The paper put forward some main implications, challenges and opportunities that are emerging from the findings of the EPIC-WE project’s Design Based Research methodology along with the project’s first major reports submitted to the European Commission: The PRISMA2020 Method State-of-the-Art report (2024) and The Quadruple Helix Cultural Ecosystems and Cultural Hubs protocol (2024).

The project’s methods and results are presented to highlight how higher education can utilise the frameworks of Quadruple Helix Ecosystems and Living Labs for valuable cross-sector and trans-disciplinary transformative partnerships in a time of transition (Nørgård & Holflod, 2024). First, findings from the state-of-the-art within is introduced to point towards how future higher education might hold opportunities to address and tackle future challenges and how frameworks enable us to envision and practice in new ways. Secondly, concrete guidelines and principles for the practicing of higher education as Living Labs and Quadruple Helix Ecosystem is presented based on the protocol. Here, special attention is paid to the higher education potentials of transformative cross-sector partnerships with creative industries and cultural organisations. Finally, concrete examples of Living Labs in the form of Cultural Hubs are provided, presenting one valuable way to foster future possibilities for young people in research, learning and worklife.

Based on the presentation of the EPIC-WE Ecosystem and Cultural Hubs framework, we discuss how current challenges to higher education might be addressed through new formats for higher education institutions and their practices.]]>
Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:33:56 +0100 627f38cd-a305-44f4-a442-1efdcdb86039
<![CDATA[Pædagogik og samarbejde i 2044: Hvor er de videregående uddannelser på vej hen?]]> Holflod, K., Nørgård, R. T. Mulgan, 2020), der begrænser utopisk tænkning og kollektiv forandring. Gennem spekulative og utopiske metoder (Dunne & Raby, 2014) undersøger deltagerne, hvordan videregående uddannelser ser ud og føles om 20 år, i 2044, for at udforske relevante og meningsfulde handlinger og diskussioner i nutiden. Vi undersøger både det forventede og det ønskede, for hvis vi ikke forholder os kritisk og refleksivt til fremtiden, og hvad og hvordan uddannelse kunne være, får vi mere af det samme (Levitas, 2017; Webb, 2016).]]> Research Thu, 23 May 2024 06:33:56 +0200 59b68f58-9e41-4a3d-9736-a40b1aa54e0a <![CDATA[Ytringer. Introduktion]]> Nielsen, G. B., Anbert, L. C., Hasse, C. Research Thu, 08 Aug 2024 06:33:56 +0200 bb9147d0-bfd6-4dda-96b4-4931ba0bdb3f <![CDATA[Assemblages of Autonomy and Assemblages of Dependency]]> Nickelsen, N. C. M. Research Mon, 06 May 2024 06:33:56 +0200 c3d58bef-3d17-476c-9259-8f7443c66d89 <![CDATA[Økonomi handler om mennesker]]> Schrøder, I., Bogh, P. Communication Mon, 01 Apr 2024 06:33:56 +0200 93b38b20-6e4a-4e98-829d-337028c7d295 <![CDATA[Hvorfor jeg ikke vil bruge ChatGPT]]> Caeli, E. N. Communication Fri, 15 Mar 2024 06:33:56 +0100 79452f53-e55e-43c2-9fb0-1393dd84a741 <![CDATA[Udredning ved mistanke om neuropsykiatriske forstyrrelser]]> Bøttcher, L. Research Sat, 01 Jun 2024 06:33:56 +0200 ff68bfef-1df1-43bc-b430-4068de0538eb <![CDATA[Velfærdsstaten anvender medarbejderdata – det kan der være demokratisk gode grunde til]]> Møller, N. H., Ratner, H. F. Communication Fri, 01 Mar 2024 06:33:56 +0100 db8de5bb-1dc3-4160-978d-50db7881a223