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What are the visions for lifelong learning in the 2010s? Is Lifelong Learning in Asia simply a matter of the workforce acquiring new skills or a new way of perceiving onself and the surrounding world? Can educational equality in Europe create economic competitiveness? What are the new models for lifelong learning? Such questions form the theme of this first issue of the ASEMagazine with an ambition to disseminate research to a broad audience. Please enjoy reading.
ASEM LLL Hub will organise ASEM LLL Forum in May 2012 during the Danish EU presidency. Read more
The ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning is an official network for university cooperation in Lifelong Learning Research between Asia and Europe. The Hub creates a platform for dialogue between researchers and educational policy makers.
The ASEM LLL Hub's operation is a part of the ASEM education process and it is a strong partner of the Asia Europe Foundation. The Hub brings together 70 researchers in its 5 research networks, senior representatives of 36 universities in its University Council and Senior Officials from 22 ministries of education and five flagship international organisations.
The ASEM LLL Hub was launched at the Copenhagen conference in May 2005 and has since then strengthened Asia-Europe partnership in lifelong learning through.
The five research networks within the Hub are:
The ASEM LLL Hub Secretariat is located at The Danish School of Education. Please feel free to contact us.
Claus Holm
Chair of ASEM LLL Hub
'Hardly ever before has the demand for educational solutions been so big. At the beginning of the 21st century there is a global demand for research-based recommendations for lifelong learning strategies. The expectations are high, if not enormous. The strategies are expected to contribute to a win-win-situation, i.e. they should solve both humanistic and economic problems for all and at the same time. This is a challenge, which we have to work together to solve'.
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